Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Aristotelian catharsis

Aristotle once said that people liked the theater cus’ at the end of a function one out of the theater in better spirits than one entered. And this is nothing illogical, because if we come to think, to see the protagonist suffering some drama we feel identified with him and his suffering, and this somehow helps us to take out those negative emotions that sometimes make our lifes so uncomfortable. This process Aristotle called catharsis (which in Greek means purification). Have not you noticed that there are seasons in which you feel a kind of discomfort in the head, as a kind of chronic anxiety (I like to call a "metaphysical itch", if you'll excuse the pedantry) and often not you know you should? Well, the Greek philosopher explained that the feeling is that we humans have repressed emotions are always looking out, but can not find the way to do it. It is like a funnel and siguieras gourds pouring water into it, between pour more water, the greater the pressure on the cap. Well, the theater as this gentleman is a kind of acid or destroying this plug hole and let it flow what we have stored within us.

The other arts also have this healing effect, all have a song that makes us mourn, a verse that makes us feel the head burst, a painting that gives us vertigo, a movie that we love, etc.. In turn, creating art also has these same properties, and it is no coincidence that one can distinguish between a guitarist who is running with a musical passion and one that simply is playing mechanically. After knowing this does not seem so illogical that many artists have a reputation for being mentally unbalanced, since for an inner life as turbulent as carrying them, surely art is a big source of comfort and pleasure to others could be drugs. To their way to your mother when you embroidering a sweater equals Jim Morrison when he wrote his songs, so you could be more considerate next time and get that ugly brown sweater that she'll last Christmas gift.

I once read in a book by Carlos Cuauhtemoc Sanchez That if one wanted to Achieve Their Goals in Life Should start to get down to work and Entrusted to God instead of watching movies on the couch. For me personally I find it much more useful to stay home on Sunday to a movie to go to church and then waste an hour of my time bored beatitude and abetting a group worthy of an Oscar. In my view, a person who cries watching a movie is a person who even helped.


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