Ender is a 10 years old boy who wakes up one day in a doctor's office half naked and feeling anxious. He knows that something is missing. Because it has not met the expectations, he has removed the mental scientists monitor the militia had placed on his neck to always know what was going through your mind and senses. That same day at the college, the boys in her class noticed that your monitor has been removed planned attack in groups, what ender responds with a brutal attack on the leader of the gang, breaking ribs and almost desbaratandole an eye kicking. Inside Ender feels terrible about what he did, but he knows that the only way to prevent further fighting is making it clear that he is no coward. That afternoon, the military go to his house to pick him up to take him to a military school, and tell you that everything has been tested. Thus, Ender becomes a member of a program to train the best soldiers in preventing an alien invasion.
Thus begins the saga of Ender, the science fiction equivalent to Harry Potter, but that does not mean it is only a copy, because this saga is more obscure and complex, intended for an audience a little more mature. The author of the saga is Orson Scott Card, and is currently made up of 11 short stories, 10 novels. Personally I recommend reading the first book because it is the best of them, but anyone can get is worth it.
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