Tuesday, July 10, 2012

ChessCollege Book Line

Chesscollege want to invite all visitors to help us create an online collection of books about chess. The reason for this is that currently it is difficult to discern which books are really good to improve our game and which are just "one more".

By participating in this matter, you'll come benefited from having a really good index of works that expand your technical knowledge of chess. The rules to participate in this activity are:

1. - All books must be in. PDF or. Doc
2. - Your you should have a physical copy of the book goes well justify you paid for it and you're in your right to share
3. - The files must be sent to nekoaoi@hotmail.com with the title "Chess Book line"
4. - urgently needed openings catalogs! If you have one, please give priority sending.
5. - You can send all the files you want in one mail just remember, it is always better quality than quantity.
6. - After publishing your file to this page, below the download link will be a url of your choice (can be your youtube channel, your blog, Reddit, etc.).
7.- This call will be open indefinitely, the goal is to reach about 100 quality books about chess. After all this is chesscollege, what could be a school without books!

After the first 5 books come in i'll upload them and put the link in the rigth column, please join us! We all can learn so much from this!


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